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Lib Dem Peer clarifies debate on 'assisted dying'

more: Personal opinion, Opinion, Personal opinion/Opinion

7th February 2013

Lord Carlile responds to party activist's 'errors, half truths and spin' on 'assisted dying'

Lib Dem Peer clarifies debate
In an article for Lib Dem Voice - a forum for the party's members, supporters and activists - Lord Carlile of Berriew corrected an earlier opinion piece by Simon Beard which sought to argue that Dignitas and the Swiss legal framework were 'too convenient', and that "if we want to see a real change in the law we need to change the terms of the debate." Lord Carlile asserts that Beard's tract was "so replete with errors, half-truths and spin that it is difficult to know where to start with the correcting pen".

Lord Carlile, a deputy high court judge and practising barrister, corrected a string of legal and statistical inaccuracies & fallacies put forward in support of changing this country's laws regarding euthanasia and assisted suicide. The Liberal Democrats as a party adopted a motion in support of Dutch-style 'medically assisted dying' at their Autumn Conference in September, but it is clear that within their ranks, debate is far from over.

(Image: licensed via
READ: Lord Carlile writes…Examining the evidence on assisted suicide

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