Care Not Killing ENewsletter, 30 June 2010
Margo MacDonald Euthanasia Bill, Scotland
Margo MacDonald MSP is currently attempting to legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia in Scotland through her End of Life Assistance (Scotland) Bill. CNK has published a critique on the Bill and submissions closed on Wednesday 12 May 2010. The committee has received 601 written submissions (86% opposing the bill) which are now being finalised for publication on the Committee's webpage, by Friday 2 July. In addition 14,000 protest postcards from CNK Scotland supporters have been handed into the Scottish Parliament. Thank youfor sending in your submissions. The committee will now meet to consider its approach to the scrutiny of the Bill.
Resistance Campaign
Last month saw the launch of the Resistance Campaign a pivotal moment for disabled people to have their voices heard in the campaign against a relaxation of the law on assisted suicide. A large group of people with disabilities joined together in Westminster for the campaign's launch, which was supported by leading disability rights groups including RADAR, UKDPC and NCIL. Please sign the petition, write to your MP and make the campaign known to others.
New Care Not Killing DVD
Our new DVD 'Disabled people speak on assisted dying' is now available. Speakers including Matt Hampson and Alison Davis share their powerful personal stories and their concerns about legalising assisted suicide. Email for your free copy. Don't forget, copies of our earlier DVD 'Doctors speak on assisted dying' are also available.
Post-election update
Any future voting on assisted suicide in Parliament will be one of individual conscience, so please contact your new local MP, to make your views known to them and to find out where they stand on the issue. Why not follow it up by arranging to speak to them in person? Before becoming Prime minister, David Cameron wisely spoke out against any relaxation of the UK law on assisted suicide. Please write a short email or letter to express your support for him taking this stance.
British Medical Association (BMA) Annual Representative Meeting
On Thursday 1 July, the BMA will debate ethics at its annual representative meeting (ARM). On the agenda are two important motions, one promoting training and education in palliative care and another welcoming the Director of Public Prosecutions statement that doctors involved in assisting with suicide are very likely to be prosecuted.
New Guidance (BMA and GMC)
The British Medical Association (BMA)has just issued new guidance on assisted suicide for doctors in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, warning them not to assist with suicide. Also available is the General Medical Council's new guidance on 'Treatment and care towards the end of life: good practice in decision making' which comes into effect on 1 July 2010.
High profile cases of doctors
Two retired doctors, who have confessed to previous involvement in assisted suicide and euthanasia, have recently made the headlines. Michael Irwin had himself provided evidence of his involvement with the death of Raymond Cutkelvin, yet the DPP has made a decision not to prosecute. CNK will be looking closely at the DPP's statement on the case, and will decide whether or not it will take further action in light of this decision. CNK will also be closely following any decisions made in the case of Howard Martin.
Royal Society of Medicine Debate
A debate on assisted suicide is to take place on Wednesday 30 June, at the RSM. The meeting will allow senior figures on all sides of the debate to give their views in a way that will enable reasoned consideration of the complex issues and conflicts involved.
News from abroad...
The are concerns about the inadequacies of the Palliative Care system in the Netherlands, as Euthanasia cases in Holland rise by 13 per cent in a year; an investigation is now taking place, following the discovery of dozens of urns at the bottom of a lake near the 'Dignitas' suicide facility; reports of Belgian nurses killing patients without their consent have renewed concerns about the dangers of liberalising the law here.
Personal Stories
As the risks of any weakening in the law in relation to Assisted Suicide become increasingly highlighted, a number of you are writing to the Care Not Killing Alliance with your own experience of why you feel the law is best kept as it is.
'I hope too that my experience of Disability and terminal illness helps others to see beyond the wheelchair to the person sitting in it.' Baroness Campbell
Visit our Personal Stories page and send us your own story to
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Speak out
Keep writing your comments online in response to articles in the media. Engage in discussions and write letters to newspapers and politicians with your views. Medical members can write to BMA News and medical journals.
Thank you for your continued support and action!
Care Not Killing Alliance