promoting care, opposing euthanasia

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As a campaigning organisation, CNK is not a charity, but relies entirely upon our member organisations and the generosity of concerned individuals like you.


The challenges before us

Our needs

Four Options for Giving

We deeply appreciate all donations (including commitments to regular giving, which are especially helpful in securing our work.) We all have our own preferences for how we give:

  1. Online via PayPal: you can use the form below to make individual and recurring gifts.
  2. Online via Stripe: if you’d prefer not to go through PayPal, just follow this link to donate online.
  3. Cheque: you can send a cheque (payable to CNK Alliance Ltd) to Care Not Killing, 8 Marshalsea Road, London, SE1 1HL.
  4. Bank transfer/Standing Order: if you would prefer to make a direct payment, get in touch for details.

(Only use the form below if you wish to donate via PayPal. If you'd prefer an alternative online giving option, please use our Stripe page.)

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If you would like to help support this work in the long term, one option is to remember CNK in your will. Our Legacies document outlines how you can ensure that you remain a part of this work.

Click below to find out how to leave a legacy to Care Not Killing

'leaving a legacy of care and compassion'