December 2018 marks the end of an era: Dr Peter Saunders has been a driving force within Care Not Killing since its inception in 2005, and as our long-time Campaign Director has been our most prominent spokesperson and representative. You may have seen him on television, heard him on the radio, witnessed him in debate, read his guides and editorials, benefitted from his advice and support or simply known him as a loyal and reliable friend and colleague: if you are reading this, you will surely know that Peter Saunders has been a formidable and admirable champion of our cause.
He has led CNK on a part-time, pro bono basis, while also serving as CEO of the Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF), but this winter, he leaves these and other roles to take up a new role as CEO of the International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA). While we – the Board, Advisory Group, staff, allies and supporters of Care Not Killing – will miss him both personally and professionally, we wish him every joy and success.
Those directors present at the November meeting of the CNK Board (pictured with Peter) presented Peter with a small token of their affection: a copy of ‘Being a Beast’ by Charles Foster, who represented CNK at the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court in Nicklinson and at the Supreme Court in ‘Y’.
At that meeting, the directors also welcomed a new member of the Board: Steve Fouch. Steve is currently Head of Communications at CMF, previously serving as their Head of Nursing. Prior to that, he worked in community nursing, HIV/AIDS and palliative care. As well as his professional healthcare experience, Steve is well versed in public policy and experienced in media commentary: he will be a great addition to the Board. As CNK moves forward, the experience and expertise of our directors – spanning palliative medicine, disability rights, law, public policy, campaigning and finance – stand us in good stead. We look forward to identifying and appointing a new, full-time CEO who can build on strong foundations and lead CNK’s work into the future.
Care Not Killing has run for many years on a shoestring budget and consistently punches above its weight. To secure our future development, with the necessary staffing, however, our income must grow. We again thank those who have already responded so generously to our recent Autumn Appeal; if you would like to make a donation, click here.
(Image: CNK)