promoting care, opposing euthanasia

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2008/11/14-16 Film Festival

more: Events Reports, Scotland, Events Reports/Scotland

16th November 2008

Scottish audiences watched films and debated euthanasia at a film festival...

Is euthanasia a good death? What is the difference between euthanasia and assisted suicide? Why has euthanasia been so much in the news lately? These were just some of the questions asked at the Filmhouse Cinema in Edinburgh during a film festival about euthanasia, organised by the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics.

At the end of each film, the audience debated relevant questions, aided by contributions from a panel of invited experts - including Care Not Killing Scotland's Public Policy Officer - from the fields of bioethics, science, law, medicine and politics.

The cinema was two-thirds full on the first evening for the screening of Rev Death, three-quarters for The Sea Inside and completely full on the third day for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. Between 40-50 high school pupils took part in two further morning sessions. Some of the discussions were very lively and all the participants indicated that the experience had been very positive.

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