Parliamentary Rally

Stand with disabled people as Peers debate the Falconer Bill

On Friday 18 July, members of the House of Lords will debate Lord Falconer’s Assisted Dying Bill, which would permit assisted suicide for those deemed to have fewer than six months to live. We have asked our supporters to write to Peers, to contact MPs, to engage with the media and we’ve been overwhelmed. Now, we ask you to vote with your feet by joining us for a rally outside of Parliament.

What: a rally led by disability rights activists Not Dead Yet UK to oppose the Assisted Dying Bill.

Where: Old Palace Yard, Westminster, opposite the House of Lords where debate will be taking place (Tube: Westminster).

When: Friday 18 July, from 9:30 am to 7 pm. Any time you can spare will be welcome, but the ‘key periods’ of 12 noon to 2 pm and 5 pm to 7 pm (as debate approaches its climax) will be especially important.

Why: Having read your letters, Peers need to see that those who oppose this Bill are real people, with real concerns and relevant experience; our voices must literally be heard. More than simply ‘opposing’, we want to celebrate the laws which protect us, medical innovation which supports us and a culture of care which affirms us – all are at risk without your support.

Who: You! If you oppose legal change which is uncontrollable, unethical and unnecessary, we want to stand shoulder to shoulder with you. Pop along at lunch or after work; share this with friends and come as a group; if you’re from outside London, make a day of it with like-minded people in the heart of the metropolis.

Join us – be a part of something special, something so very important.

(NB: be sure to make provision for the weather, with hats, parasols, sun cream and bottled water advised if mid-July sun shines down over Westminster!)

© Image copyright of Stuart Boreham and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons License 2.0