Statement on Noa Pothoven

A statement following clarification of a Dutch news report

On Tuesday afternoon, Care Not Killing and our media adviser were approached for a comment by a number of national newspapers following reports of the death of a 17-year-old Dutch girl, Noa Pothoven by euthanasia. The story of her death was reported across a number of national and international newspapers and media outlets.

Acting in good faith we provided a statement to the media based on the information we had been sent.

On Wednesday morning doubts were raised about the initial report and that the news service had mistranslated the fact that Miss Pothoven had been euthanised.

Miss Pothoven lived with anorexia, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression after being sexually assaulted as a child.

Dutch journalist Paul Bolwerk reported that Miss Pothoven had received a variety of treatments and her parents struggled to get treatment for their daughter, despite numerous attempts.

Without her parents’ knowledge, Miss Pothoven had approached a clinic in the Netherlands to ask if she qualified for legal euthanasia but this had been refused.

It has been reported that following the refusal, Miss Pothoven said she wanted to refuse all further treatment and would refuse food and drink. She subsequently entered palliative care where she died.

Subsequently, Hugo de Jonge, the Dutch health minister, announced her death would be investigated. He said:

‘We are in touch with her family, who have told us that there is no question of euthanasia in this case. Questions about her death and the care she has received are understandable, but can only be answered once the facts have been established. I have asked the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate (IGJ) to look into this’.

We are happy to put the record straight and will await the outcome of this investigation.