Defying the endgame

‘The boy who once had 24 hours to live was defying the odds’ – thanks to an inspiring visitor

In 2010, 16-year-old basketball player Kevin Massey found out he had a deadly brain tumour and a very slim chance of survival. According to the American Brain Tumor Association, brain tumours are the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in children under age 20.


Kevin’s mother, Ruth Massey, immediately knew her son’s health was in jeopardy. She said, ‘The minute I saw him I knew something bad was wrong. He actually looked like a stroke patient. His face was drooping and the whole right side of his body was weak. You could tell he was struggling to walk and use his (right) leg. So we went to the emergency room.’


Tragically, the MRI revealed that he had a brain tumour and the next day he suffered a massive brain bleed in the brain stem. Ruth said, ‘He had lost the ability to swallow and was moved to the ICU. They did another MRI and found he had a massive brain bleed in the Pons (among other functions, the Pons section of the brain is responsible for relaying sensory information between the cerebrum and cerebellum). They called us into the room and said, ‘Kevin has about 24 hours (to live), there’s nothing we’re going to be able to do. Let’s give it a couple of days and then you guys will have to make the decision to turn off his life support.”

However, a surprise guest from his favourite University changed everything. Watch the video below to find out what happened next.