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"It prompts us to... shift our focus of care to symptom control, comfort and dignity."

more: Personal stories, Palliative Care, Personal stories/Palliative Care, Medical Opinion, Personal stories/Medical Opinion

6th November 2012

A doctor & cancer patient offers her assessment

Terminally ill doctor reviews LCP
"As a Specialist Registrar training in Elderly Medicine and a terminally ill cancer patient myself I have strong views on these issues both personally and professionally."
"In reality the LCP is simply a document we use when we feel a patient has entered the very final stages of life in terms of hours or days. It prompts us to... shift our focus of care to symptom control, comfort and dignity."
Dr Kate Granger speaks eloquently and frankly about the application of the Liverpool Care Pathway, drawing on both professional and personal experience. To read her blog post in full, visit:

(Image: FreeImages - licence)

End of life care through the eyes of a doctor and a patient

more Palliative Care

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