Putting pen to paper

Resources and advice to help you get your message across to the newspapers…

Newspaper editors are interested in the views of their readers. Yet, many of the letters that newspapers receive are not published: this is usually because they are too long or rambling.

Make your letter stand out

  • Peg your letter around a topical current affairs issue or refer to a subject on which the newspaper has written recently.
  • Start your letter ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ or ‘Dear Editor’.
  • Keep your letters brief, less than 200 words.
  • After a very brief introduction, make distinct points, ideally in separate paragraphs.
  • Where possible, relate your points to your personal experience.
  • It is better to cover one or two points well than to gloss over multiple points.
  • Avoid being derogatory to those with opposing beliefs.
  • If possible, e-mail your letter in to the newspaper.
  • Include your full name, address and phone number at the end.

Newspaper contact details