Website refreshed

To help you make the most of our website, we’ve made some changes to include more ready access to key campaign information

There is now a new ‘Live Issues’ page which gives up to date information on all the issues CNK is currently focusing on, along with key dates, links to background information and action points.

From here you can quickly get an overview of what is happening with the Falconer and Macdonald Bills, the Nicklinson, Lamb and ‘Martin’ court cases, the Liverpool Care Pathway, media bias and the Royal College of General Practitioners consultation.

A policy guide explains where CNK stands on all these issues and more, and an ‘About’ page summarises the alliance’s main arguments clearly and succinctly.

There is also an FAQ page which deals with the common questions people ask and a ‘Get involved’ page which explains how you can get more engaged with CNK’s campaigns.

Don’t forget too to follow us on twitter and facebook, and be aware of the videos on the CNK You Tube channel.

Latest updates on current events and personal stories are linked from the homepage and you can easily access older stories – listed month by month, year by year – on the ‘More content’ page.

CNK was set up in 2006 and represents over 40 organisations and thousands of concerned citizens. It has been a leading voice on end of life issues in the UK since its launch.