
Not Dead Yet UK

Not Dead Yet UK (NDYUK) is a network of disabled people in the UK who have joined a growing international alliance of disabled people, who oppose the legalised killing of disabled people. All those involved are disabled people including people with physical and sensory impairments, learning difficulties, and mental health conditions.

Association for Palliative Medicine

The Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland (APM) is the world’s largest representative body for doctors practising or interested in Palliative Medicine. The APM has produced an excellent set of resources on assisted suicide.

End of Life Care Europe (ELC Europe)

A forum for organisations and individuals who share a aspiration ‘that every European society will enable all people to live free from the threat of euthanasia, regardless of age, ethnicity, disability, health, or financial or social position.’


#DefendNZ is a grassroots movement, pulled together with the voice, support, and input of people across New Zealand – North Islanders and South Islanders; young and old; all ethnicities; and a full range of political persuasions – to oppose the ‘End of Life Choice Bill’ before the New Zealand Parliament.

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Canadian campaigning organisation which works to preserve and enforce legal prohibitions and ethical guidelines prohibiting “mercy killing”; to increase public awareness and promote improvement in the quality and availability of hospice/palliative care; to educate the public on the harm and risks associated with the promotion of euthanasia and assisted suicide; and to co-ordinate and disseminate research and information.

Living and Dying Well

Living and Dying Well was formed in 2010 to research the serious evidence surrounding the end of life debate, to apply clear thinking to them and to publish the results.

If you’re looking for information on ‘advance decisions‘, ‘advance directives’, ‘advance statements’, ‘living wills’… go to an impartial source such as Age UK.