Care Not Killing’s petition against Joffe Bill gets 5,000 signatures in just 10 days

The national petition against Lord Joffe’s Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill – launched only ten days ago – has already attracted well over 5000 signatures.

Those voting with their pens against the Joffe Bill, which would make it legal for doctors to help their patients kill themselves, come from all walks of life. Of every age, background and from right across the country, petitioners are urging peers to vote down the second reading of the Bill when it is put before them – in less than three weeks time.

The petition will be delivered to 10 Downing Street at midday on 12 May, immediately before the Bill is debated in the House of Lords.

There are three ways UK residents may register their rejection of this dangerous piece of legislation.

The petition can be signed online on the Care Not Killing website; or it may be downloaded, printed off and posted to ‘Care NOT Killing’ Alliance, PO Box 56322, London SE1 8XW; or it can be emailed direct to Care NOT Killing at

Supporters are also urged to download the petition form and collect signatures from family, friends and work colleagues.

Dr Brian Iddon MP, Chairman of CNK, commented: “This is just the latest step in a massive, nationwide campaign against this deeply flawed and immoral Bill.

“This petition follows hard on the heels of the distribution of over half a million leaflets on assisted suicide and 12,000 ‘Doctors speak on assisted dying’ DVDs to key individuals. CNK has also initiated a major letter writing campaign, which has led to supporters writing to peers, as well as to their own MPs, expressing their horror at the prospect of back door euthanasia.

“We are encouraging everyone to stand up and be counted in the fight against the legalisation of assisted suicide over the next few crucial days. I therefore urge people to get involved in order to let parliament know what ordinary people think – every individual protest really matters now!”