
Kim Leadbeater’s private member’s bill passed second reading on 29 November, 2024 and is currently at committee stage. The committee is currently hearing evidence from specially selected parties. The third reading vote is expected on April 25th.


Two major calls for evidence have been issued at Westminster: one on the state of palliative care, and the other on the substance of Kim Leadbeater’s assisted suicide bill.
Care Not Killing disappointed at second reading vote, but welcomes the growing number of MPs expressing concern about legalising assisted suicide.
"Only 11% are immune to any anti-assisted dying arguments, suggesting that large swathes of the public remain fluid in their view."
Former PM Gordon Brown joins the Health and Justice Secretaries, Lib Dem leader, disability rights groups, and medical bodies in urging the Bill’s rejection on 29 November.
New polling also shows 51% agree that "assisted dying inevitably discriminates against the poor who cannot afford comfortable end-of-life living."
Thousands of doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals say: or the sake of us all, do not rush into hasty legislation but instead fund excellent palliative care