2006 – a year of achievement!

In our first year of operation, we played a major role in seeing Lord Joffe’s Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill defeated…

Care Not Killing formally launched on 31st January 2006 as a broad-based coalition bringing together professional organisations, care organisations, human rights groups and faith groups. One year on, we now have 45 member organisations (18 core and 27 associate) and have established ourselves as a major player in end of life debates.

In our first year of operation, we played a major role in seeing Lord Joffe’s Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill defeated by a 148-100 majority in the House of Lords on 12th May 2006. In addition we played a key part in persuading the British Medical Association and the Royal College of Physicians to revert from their previously neutral position to again take up opposition to the legalisation of euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Specific 2006 achievements:

  • Released regular press statements.
  • Established a network of experienced spokespeople from parliament, the medical profession, faith groups and the disability rights movement.
  • Printed and distributed over 500,000 copies of the leaflet Assisted Dying: What is happening in parliament and what can I do about it?
  • Produced and distributed over 12,000 copies of the DVD Doctors speak on assisted dying.
  • Published a detailed critique of Lord Joffe’s Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill written by Professor John Keown, an international legal expert in end of life issues, and distributed this to members of the House of Lords.
  • Established and maintained this website with news, resources, videos, campaign information and research material. Over the year we had 76,974 website visitors and 274,182 pages were viewed.
  • Launched a major national petition against Lord Joffe’s Bill and received 102,000 signatures by the time of its delivery to 10 Downing St on 12th May.
  • Made submissions, to the Law Commission Review on the proposed revision to the homicide law and to the Government on the Mental Capacity Act draft codes of practice.

2007 sees us continuing to campaign, promoting palliative care and working to ensure that there is no further change in the law to allow euthanasia in the life of the current parliament. Why not join us by becoming a member?

Care Not Killing steering group