Hiring: Care Not Killing seeks new CEO

Could you be the person Care Not Killing needs to sustain and develop our work?

December 2018 sees the departure of Dr Peter Saunders as Campaign Director of Care Not Killing, and the Board of Directors has decided to reconfigure the role going forward.

Care Not Killing (www.carenotkilling.org.uk) is now looking to appoint a full-time CEO to develop its more than twelve years’ work:

  • Promoting more and better palliative care
  • Ensuring that existing laws against euthanasia and assisted suicide are not weakened or repealed
  • Influencing the balance of public opinion further against any weakening of the law

The successful candidate will take over from a long-standing, pro bono Campaign Director. Chief among their responsibilities will be:

  • Directing strategy: the CEO will report to the Board of Directors but will be responsible for day to day decision making, including developing and maintaining relationships with key decision-makers and campaigners
  • Principal media spokesperson: CNK fulfils many print and broadcast media engagements concerning our work and emerging news stories
  • Developing outreach: CNK is often contacted in isolation by students, schools and organisers of debates; the successful CEO will take a proactive approach in ensuring that public debate is well-informed and that CNK can respond to this need
  • Fundraising: Care Not Killing is a small non-profit and the CEO must be an effective fundraiser

Applications close 12 noon, Monday 14 January 2019 with interviews set for Monday 28 January.

Please send your CV and covering letter to info@carenotkilling.org.uk. The covering letter should address the job description, indicate salary expectations, and be accompanied by examples (written, video or audio) of the applicant’s ability to comment on public affairs e.g. articles, blogs, media clips.

© Image copyright of Mike Lawrence and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons License 2.0