'The time is well overdue for the assisted dying lobby to address these and other issues seriously, rather than to be wheeling out the same failed ideas over and again', Desmond Swayne writes.
Should 'an individual's right to avoid that final human tribulation... be given priority in law over the inherent risk involved in state-sanctioned euthanasia to the lives of our most vulnerable citizens'?
Baroness Campbell, noted disability rights campaigner, discusses the real threat posed to disabled people by the Falconer Bill, and why its passage would constitute 'the triumph of despair over hope'
Charles Foster, who this week made CNK's intervention in the Supreme Court assisted suicide appeals, puts the current Belgian child euthanasia debate in perspective.
'Disabled people, elderly people, adults made vulnerable by terminal and other illnesses, and now children are being told that their lives are not worth living.'