In the past several months we have witnessed the passing of the Washington State I-1000 assisted suicide Initiative making assisted suicide legal in that state. We were shocked when Judge Dorothy McCarter legalized assisted suicide in the state of Montana by judicial fiat. We experienced victory in Hawaii when the state legislature decided not to support an assisted suicide bill, but we have yet to defeat bills to legalize assisted suicide in New Hampshire, New Mexico and Massachussets. Canada will soon be facing another bill to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide and in the UK Lord Joffe may also introduce another bill to legalize assisted suicide.
You need to attend the Second-International Symposium on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.
Be part of the Strategy and learn how to stop the euthanasia lobby in America and world-wide.
The Second-International Symposium is designed to build an effective, unified and focused group of organizations and individuals to stop the euthanasia death lobby.
The Second-International Symposium is May 29 – 30, 2009 at the National Conference Center – 18980 Upper Belmont Pl. Landsdowne Virginia 20176, near the Washington DC – Dulles Airport.
* We have acquired a Meeting ID with United Airlines that offers a flight discounts for all the participants. The Meeting ID is: 585JQ. You can contact United Airlines directly or you can book with Conlin Travel (1-800-783-9559) who are friendly to our work and helping us with flight bookings. You simply need to quote the United Airlines Meeting ID when booking the flight.
The registration cost for the Symposium is $199 regular or $139 for a student or a person with a disability.
Due to credit card costs, we prefer that you pay for your registration by check. You are able to register online by going to the International Symposium page at
The room rate at the National Conference Center is: $139 regular room, $179 for a suite (plus all taxes). Online registration can be accessed online by finding the link at the registration section of our website at:
The registration and room rate includes the cost for all meals and refreshment breaks on May 29 – 30. The room rate will change at the Conference Center on days before or after the International Symposium.
The Co-Sponsors of the Symposium are:
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, Compassionate Health Care Network, Not Dead Yet, Physicians for Compassionate Care, Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation, Institute for the Study of Disability and Bioethics, Vermont Alliance for Ethical Health Care, ALERT, Care Not Killing Alliance, & No Less Human.
The Speakers for the Symposium include:
Rita Marker, Wesley Smith, Diane Coleman, Stephen Drake, Dr. William Toffler, Dr Bob Orr, Mark Mostert, Ian Dowbiggin, Randy Richardson, Bobby Schindler, Eileen Geller, Margaret Dore, Elizabeth Wickham, Alison Davis, Dr Peter Saunders, Colin Harte, Lionel Roosemont, Nancy Valko, Dr. Margaret Cottle and Alex Schadenberg.
At the First-International Symposium we were able to register many students, people with disabilities and others, who were unable to pay the registration fee. Once again, for those who are unable to attend the Symposium, but are willing to donate the cost of registration please send either $199 or $139 to the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. We have already had several requests for subsidy.
In order to operate the Symposium at a breakeven financial basis we are seeking groups and individuals who are willing to advertise in the Symposium booklet. Supporters will be acknowledged in the Symposium booklet based on the level of support. Supporter levels are Gold supporter – $500, Silver supporter – $250, Bronze supporter – $100.
A webpage dedicated to the Second-International Symposium can be accessed at:
The unified direction that will be promoted at the Second-International Symposium requires the involvement of people everywhere, including you.
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition –,, 1-877-439-3348
Box 25033, London Ontario Canada N6C 6A8
Box 611309 Port Huron MI 48061-1309