The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Dying Well (with which CNK works) hosted “Lessons from Canada: Evidence from Palliative Care, Psychiatry and Law” on 23 May 2022
As Scotland continues to await the report on the McArthur Bill consultation, Baroness (Tanni) Grey-Thompson and Professor Marie Fallon delivered timely warnings to MSPs during a Care Not Killing-Not Dead Yet webinar on 8 March.
The doctors’ union’s Annual Representative Meeting considered its stance on assisted suicide and euthanasia in light of a pre-pandemic membership survey
Dutch academic and former euthanasia regulator Theo Boer and American lawyer and author Wesley Smith addressed Parliamentarians on World Suicide Prevention Day.
Sir Bernard Jenkin asserted that 'the question is whether we can safely change the law in a way that does not create new or worse dangers.' Jim Shannon contended that 'the right to die for the eloquent and financially well off will become a duty to die for the vulnerable.'
It's simple, straightforward and will work because we want it to - that's the message that comes across in advocates' polling questions, and in increasingly exasperated Commons speeches. But is it true?
Just four years after a packed Commons debated the topic, informed by months of expert briefings and consultations, assisted suicide was dragged back before the House. Why?
MPs pursuing a change in the law on assisted suicide sought to shift the focus away from the weaknesses of their legislative offerings and onto emotive hard cases - but couldn't resist returning to old ground.
Government minister tells assisted suicide campaigner the Government will not form policy on a matter of conscience, and reminds peers that the current law has been judged to strike a 'fair balance'
CNK spoke to friends, supporters and visitors at the rally in opposition to Rob Marris's Assisted Dying (No. 2) Bill on the day of its Commons second reading (Friday 11 September 2015)
Watch Dr Peter Saunders address the question, 'should assisted suicide be legalised?', at Luton and Dunstable Hospital on 10 March 2015, placing established arguments in the current policy context