The BMA Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) takes place next week on 26-29 June. Of 24 motions on assisted dying listed for debate, 23 of them are opposed to assisted dying. This seems to reflect very strong grassroots opposition to assisted dying, and against the BMA official neutral position which was reached at a barely quorate meeting last June.
Since that time the RCGP and RCP have come out strongly against euthanasia – so the BMA position is now out of touch with most doctors in this country and also with the World Medical Association.
For more background see the following:
- How a minority in the BMA got their way on euthanasia
- What really happened at the BMA
- Doctors oppose assisted suicide
- Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons
- RCP opposes assisted dying
- Senior Doctors reject euthanasia bill
- RCGP opposes any change in the law
Michael Wilks, chair of the ethics committee, is also chairing the ARM again, and may use his considerable influence and position to maintain the status quo.
The BMA ARM debate on Medical Ethics at 10am on Thursday 29 June will now be webcast – see The programme is as follows:
1000 – Medical Ethics
1005 – Organ donation
1015 – Torture
1025 – Abortion
1045 – Assisted Dying
1105 – Other motions
1115 – Contingency time
1120 – Finish
A detailed agenda for the meeting listing all motions is at