Category: News

Two major calls for evidence have been issued at Westminster: one on the state of palliative care, and the other on the substance of Kim Leadbeater’s assisted suicide bill.
Care Not Killing's Campaign Director, Dr Peter Saunders, was invited to write in opposition to the aims of a recently re-launched campaign group
Further evidence of BBC cheerleading for assisted suicide
Answers to key questions regarding recent worrying developments in Belgium and the Netherlands
Guardian health editor jumps onto suicide promotion bandwagon
The Court of Appeal has concluded its case and the 'Assisted Dying Bill' has had its first reading - the die is cast.
Asked for evidence of the much-maligned 'slippery slope', our Campaign Director shocked radio listeners with a Dutch protocol under which disabled babies can be euthanized.
The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), a framework used to manage the care of patients for whom death is imminent, has now come to the attention of government ministers and MPs.
Terminally ill patients are receiving good care, says National Audit
Why it is right that Lord Falconer's amendment has been rejected...