Care NOT Killing, a new alliance of 21 organisations formed to promote palliative care and oppose euthanasia, was launched on Tuesday 31 January. Members of the alliance include the Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain & Ireland, the British Council of Disabled People, RADAR, the Christian Medical Fellowship and the Medical Ethics Alliance.
The launch was featured on BBC breakfast TV, the Radio Four Today programme and Radio Five Live and made top billing on the BBC health pages.
Media coverage included:
- BBC: Anti-euthanasia alliance launched
- Channel Four news: Alliance launched to fight euthanasia laws
- Scotsman: Euthanasia opponents forge alliance
- ITN: Alliance launched to fight euthanasia laws
- 4NI: Anti-euthanasia alliance formed
- U.TV: Campaigners fight euthanasia laws
Organisations can join the alliance either as CORE members (£1,500) or associate members (£50) and individuals can join for £10. You can also sign up for the e-newsletter online.
A series of interviews with senior doctors are available to view on the site and there is an abundance of news links, articles and resources.
Copies of new Care NOT Killing Leaflet ‘Assisted Suicide; What is happening in parliament and what can I do about it?’ are available free to members to distribute – send an email to
Apart from the many articles and news links on the site the pages on frequently asked questions (FAQs) on euthanasia and assisted suicide are a very valuable resource for those writing letters or involved in debates on the media.
Contact details of the group are as follows:
‘Care NOT Killing’ Alliance
PO Box 56322, London SE1 8XW
Tel: 020 7633 0770
Fax: 020 7681 1924
Mobile: 07929 178289