Influence GMC Consultation on end of life care

Influencing this consultation is a way of making your voice heard on issues which will affect us all at some stage of our lives…

On Monday 18 May the General Medical Council held a meeting in Parliament to discuss its new end of life care guidance. The guidance, End of life treatment and care: good practice in decision making, will help doctors give the best possible care to patients in their final stages of life.

The GMC is consulting on this new guidance. It raises issues which will affect us all at some stage of our lives, whether as a patient, carer or family member, and care and treatment at the end of our lives is something we cannot afford to be complacent about. Influencing this consultation is a way of making your voice heard.

The guidance covers topics such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), advance care planning, care after death, organ donation and caring for very premature babies, children and young people.

Taking part is easy – you can respond online until 13 July 2009. If you have any questions, please email or call 020 7189 5484.