Care Not Killing welcomes BMA’s decision

Care Not Killing has welcome the BMA’s decision to reject calls from a minority of its members to become neutral on end of life issues.

Care Not Killing, representing over 40 organisations, has welcomed the BMA’s decision to reject calls from a minority of its members to become neutral on assisted dying at its annual meeting in Bournemouth today. 

Dr Peter Saunders, CNK Campaign Director said, ‘This debate was engineered by a small group of doctors who wished to neutralise medical opposition to assisted suicide and euthanasia, in order to assist them in their plans to lobby Parliament to change the law.

In rejecting this move the BMA has sent out a strong message that doctors must play a leading role in this debate which could otherwise be far too easily swayed by celebrity endorsement and media outlets who have consistently acted as the cheerleaders for assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Majority medical opinion remains opposed to assisted dying and this vote is a victory for common sense. We hope that the BMA will now continue its valuable work in campaigning for high quality compassionate care for patients at the end of life.’