Thousands of doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals say: or the sake of us all, do not rush into hasty legislation but instead fund excellent palliative care
The Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland leads members of the specialty in urging MPs not to support Kim Leadbeater MP’s assisted suicide bill
The doctors’ union’s Annual Representative Meeting considered its stance on assisted suicide and euthanasia in light of a pre-pandemic membership survey
More than 50 'doctors who care daily for dying patients' argue in The Sunday Times that 'any marginal interest' BMA members might have in legalising assisted suicide and/or euthanasia is 'not matched by enthusiasm for the practice.'
Beneath the headline grabbing top-line numbers lies a complex picture of medical opinion on the question of whether they should be empowered to end patients’ lives
Senior healthcare professionals and rights campaigners denounce inappropriate and even 'discriminatory' misapplications of an ordinarily valuable clinical tool, as the country grapples with Covid-19.
CNK welcomes an 'extensive and unusually frank statement from the UK's oldest medical organisation' which 'rightly puts a sword to the lie that the RCP supports a change in the law - it does not.'
Further details of the Royal College of General Practitioners' consultation of members in 2019 show that those whose votes kept the College opposed did so because of the risk to vulnerable patients.
Care Not Killing welcomes the RCGP Council's decision, following 'the largest consultation on an issue of public policy that the College has conducted.'
Dozens of doctors, many leaders in their respective fields, co-sign a letter to The Times expressing the hope that 'assisted dying will not become a medical intervention in the UK', published on the day the BMA's consultation on the matter commences.
The BMA defines 'physician-assisted dying' as covering both assisted suicide and euthanasia. What would neutrality really mean, and why should members remain opposed?