More than 50 'doctors who care daily for dying patients' argue in The Sunday Times that 'any marginal interest' BMA members might have in legalising assisted suicide and/or euthanasia is 'not matched by enthusiasm for the practice.'
CNK's CEO writes following the publication of yet more opinion polling which fails to address the risks and failings of legalised assisted suicide and euthanasia, concluding: 'mendacious claims about safeguards and strict limits should be dismissed.'
Dozens of doctors, many leaders in their respective fields, co-sign a letter to The Times expressing the hope that 'assisted dying will not become a medical intervention in the UK', published on the day the BMA's consultation on the matter commences.
As the BMA consultation gets under way, and following efforts in Parliament to push for a weakening of the law, CNK's CEO, Gordon Macdonald, writes in the Sunday Times.
Members and fellows publish open letter concerning problems with the RCP's abandonment of opposition to assisted suicide, following resignations from the RCP's own 'ignored' ethics committee
MSPs from the Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Scottish National Parties come together to reject assisted suicide as a response to the needs of the people of Scotland
CNK Campaign Director Dr Peter Saunders writes to The Telegraph, highlighting the breadth and depth of opposition among disabled people to assisted suicide
Following the Commons' rejection of assisted suicide as a response to end of life challenges, 60 MPs have together called for increased funding for care and research
Scottish doctors with '...tens of thousands of patient-years experience in the care of people with advanced and incurable illnesses' explain their opposition to the Harvie Bill
The CEOs of four major charities representing elderly and disabled people have written to all members of the House of Lords to oppose Lord Falconer's Assisted Dying Bill.