Category: Personal stories

Godelieva De Troyer had been suffering from chronic depression for twenty years when she was euthanised, her family unaware, by the doctor who co-chairs the federal euthanasia regulator and who co-founded an organisation De Troyer had just given money to.
Mark Blackwell, living with Parkinson's disease and the after-effects of a severe stroke, explains why he fears legalised assisted suicide
Disability activist describes 'the thing that solidified for me that we actually can't safely put in place in this country assisted suicide legislation', as Western Australia mulls euthanasia
CNK Board member Nola Leach speaks on Radio 4 about her husband's death after three years living with 'brutal' Alzheimer's
Watch ordinary New Zealanders explain why a proposed assisted suicide law would pose a direct threat to them and countless people like them
An extensive consideration of euthanasia in Belgium and the Netherlands tells of a doctor who couldn't save her patient - from another doctor
Nikki Kenward, who lived with the MND-like symptoms of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, writes: 'this is not civilization but barbarity... We need more legal restraints, not fewer.'
'As someone who has seen the ugliness of a slow demise, I reject the notion that dignity can be measured by the level of pain or the speed in which the individual dies'
A man from Inverness, living with MS, put off his plans to have an assisted suicide in Switzerland when he was made aware of support available
Debbie Binner says 'Campaigners for assisted dying underestimate how terrible it is for those of us left behind... I didn't care what state he was or might be in, he was my husband'
MPs make clear that the issues surrounding end of life care and decisions are as real for them as for all, with moving and often passionate contributions from all sides of the House
Hospice care is most often associated with illnesses like cancer, but a series of personal accounts published to mark MND Awareness Month shows its potential goes much further
The Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill 'would reinforce the concept that my life and those of others with life-shortening conditions are not worth living and are not of the same value'
'The boy who once had 24 hours to live was defying the odds' - thanks to an inspiring visitor
Proponents of physician-assisted suicide suggest having the option legally available is comforting - 'but I can tell you from personal experience that it is nearly as troubling as the cancer itself'
'living through a similar situation in all its grim reality has convinced me that assisted suicide is not the answer'
Author Charles Lambert on putting his life on hold for a year to care for his dying mother
Various media outlets have carried the story of Dawn Faizey Webster, who has completed a degree and written an autobiography since developing locked-in syndrome more than ten years ago