No to Assisted Suicide in Scotland!

Care Not Killing Scotland debated Jeremy Purvis MSP…

Monday 27th October saw Care Not Killing Scotland’s Public Policy Officer debating Jeremy Purvis MSP on the motion ‘This house believes that Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) should not be legalised in Scotland’. The high profile event, organised by Dundee medical students, was attended by more than 300 people. Following an evening of informative and stimulating debate, the large majority of the audience voted to pass the motion.

Speakers for the motion

Gordon Macdonald, Public Policy Officer or Care Not Killing Scotland and Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Scottish Liberal Democrats for East Renfrewshire
Dr Martin Leiper, Consultant Palliative Care Physician, Dundee
Dr Calum MacKellar, Director of Research for the Scottish Council of Human Bioethics
Rev David Robertson, Chaplain at the University of Dundee

Speakers against the motion

Jeremy Purvis MSP, Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Economy
Dr Libby Wilson, Friends At The End (FATE)
Dr Alasdair Maclean, University of Dundee School of Law
Professor Paul Badham, Professor of Theology and Religious Studies and patron of Dignity in Dying (DID)

A formal write-up of the debate will be posted in due course.

The Care Not Killing Scotland exhibition stand was as busy as ever. Our new leaflet What’s happening in the Scottish Parliament and what can I do about it? proved very popular. Why not find out more about the situation in Scotland by ordering a copy for yourself?

Care Not Killing Scotland