UK Cancer specialists, who are members or Fellows of the Royal College of Radiologists, have responded to a survey on their attitude to proposed new legislation on Physician Assisted Suicide.
Out of 249 responders, 189 (75.9%) felt that a change in legislation is not needed because good clinical care and a dignified death can be provided within existing legislation. 5.2% were undecided and only 18.9% believed a change in legislation is needed.
Dr Robin Hunter, Dean of the College’s Faculty of Clinical Oncology, commented: ‘The extensive debate that has gone on in the UK over the last two years does not appear to have convinced many of the UK’s leading cancer specialists of a need for a change in legislation at this time.’
The Royal College of Radiologists has approximately 7,000 members and Fellows worldwide representing the disciplines of clinical oncology and clinical radiology. All members and Fellows of the College are registered medical or dental practitioners.
The full press release can be read online at: