Tag: Opinion

Manx Duty of Care responds to the results of the Consultation on Assisted Dying.
The authors of 'Physician-Assisted Suicide: Improving the Quality of the Debate' include a retired Supreme Court Justice, a former Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission a leading barrister
Special rapporteurs argue that legislative provisions for assisted suicide and euthanasia ‘tend to rest on - or draw strength from - ableist assumptions about the inherent “quality of life” or “worth’ of the life of a person with a disability.’
'The time is well overdue for the assisted dying lobby to address these and other issues seriously, rather than to be wheeling out the same failed ideas over and again', Desmond Swayne writes.
CNK's CEO writes following the publication of yet more opinion polling which fails to address the risks and failings of legalised assisted suicide and euthanasia, concluding: 'mendacious claims about safeguards and strict limits should be dismissed.'
A palliative care physician considers medical opinion on assisted suicide and answers the question: ‘Where is the patient in all this?’
Godelieva De Troyer had been suffering from chronic depression for twenty years when she was euthanised, her family unaware, by the doctor who co-chairs the federal euthanasia regulator and who co-founded an organisation De Troyer had just given money to.
Mark Blackwell, living with Parkinson's disease and the after-effects of a severe stroke, explains why he fears legalised assisted suicide
CNK Board member Nola Leach speaks on Radio 4 about her husband's death after three years living with 'brutal' Alzheimer's
Almost two thirds of UK nurses responding to a major survey say staffing shortages are the main barrier to providing good care to dying patients
Research indicates 'a lack of understanding that death can be 'gentle, peaceful and pain-free''
Former Supreme Court justice Lord Sumption questions basis of claimed public support for assisted suicide and says current legal protections are necessary to guard against abuse
Watch ordinary New Zealanders explain why a proposed assisted suicide law would pose a direct threat to them and countless people like them
Members and fellows publish open letter concerning problems with the RCP's abandonment of opposition to assisted suicide, following resignations from the RCP's own 'ignored' ethics committee
Yet another opinion poll is unveiled on assisted suicide - riddled, once again, with euphemisms and suppositions
MSPs from the Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Scottish National Parties come together to reject assisted suicide as a response to the needs of the people of Scotland
Physician-assisted suicide would 'fundamentally change' doctor-patient relationship, new poll finds
Philippa Taylor considers the implications of the Royal College of Physicians' assisted suicide consultation