Category: Medical Opinion

In reiterating its 'firm' opposition to euthanasia and assisted suicide, the WMA also condemns constraints placed upon doctors' conscience rights
Severely brain-damaged patients are commonly misdiagnosed, often aware and may well recover, says authoritative new report
'To grant a few the right to euthanasia means that the rights of many vulnerable others are compromised'
The BMA should reject this latest attempt to push it neutral on assisted suicide and euthanasia
At its annual representative meeting next week, the BMA will consider two motions concerning physician-assisted suicide
An oncologist asked about euthanasia once in 15 years questions the 'voluntary' nature of legalised euthanasia, and challenges those who write off end of life suffering as simply a limitation of medicine
Around a dozen former healthcare professionals now sitting as MPs participated in the Marris Bill debate, with a number of speeches based on professional experience proving key
Senior Oregon doctor says that 'assisted suicide has been detrimental to patients, degraded the quality of medical care, and compromised the integrity of the medical profession'.
'The holistic nature of our care, the presence, the confidence to bear witness to all suffering is what underpins hospice care. To introduce 'death on demand' as an option seems to be a tragic and unnecessary development'
Dr Jeff Stephenson, Medical Director of St Luke's Hospice in Plymouth, describes the challenges palliative care might be facing in 20 years time - in a Britain where assisted suicide is legal.
82% of Association for Palliative Medicine members oppose a change in the law on assisted suicide, with 72% saying passage of a Falconer-type bill would have an adverse effect on the delivery of palliative care
The Royal College of Physicians rejects assisted suicide following a survey of all fellows and members, maintaining the healthcare profession's clear commitment not to give up on the patients
Despite death being our only shared destiny, there is an amazing amount of misinformation about what medicine can achieve at the end of life
...It's not just a wish to 'have the debate' is it?'
The Royal College of Physicians has launched a survey to assess its members' views on assisted suicide
Pro-assisted suicide doctors demonstrate how far from the mainstream of their profession they have strayed
Medical profession strikes back at BMJ editors over assisted suicide stance
Assumptions about dementia could have major implications for proposed legislation to allow assisted suicide in the UK