‘I feel Brilliant’

The terminally ill teenager who previously won the right to die in dignity at home, now says that live is ‘Brilliant’ since changing her mind…

Hannah Jones, the 14 year-old teenager from Marden, Herefordshire, who previuosly fought and won the right-to-die peacefully in her home, has now changed her mind after a life-saving heart transplant, quoting that she feels ‘Brilliant‘ since the operation.

Diagnosed at age five, Hannah has spent most of her young life battling with leukemia and cardiomyopathy, cooped up on hospital wards and having repeated tests fot the last nine years. The 14-year-old overturned a legal bid to make her have a life-saving heart transplant operation last January, but after another kidney failure last month, she dramatically changed her mind.

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