Tag: Courts

“The Court observed that there were potentially broad social implications and risks of error and abuse involved in the provision of physician-assisted dying.
Read the joint CNK-ODOC response to proposed changes to prosecution guidelines
Press release: CNK CEO responds to the High Court decision not to allow a new challenge in the name of Mr Phil Newby
The High Court gives doctors permission to challenge the Royal College of Physicians' conduct concerning a shift to neutrality on assisted suicide
Former Supreme Court justice Lord Sumption questions basis of claimed public support for assisted suicide and says current legal protections are necessary to guard against abuse
Care Not Killing is disappointed at the latest and unnecessary legal challenge to the Suicide Act by the campaigner Paul Lamb
An Australian man has been convicted of counselling his wife's suicide, through which he hoped to benefit from £770,000 in life insurance
Noel Conway's challenge to the law on assisted suicide comes to an end as the Supreme Court declines to hear a second appeal
Care Not Killing, which intervened in the case of Noel Conway at the High Court and Court of Appeal, responds to the Supreme Court's decision not to hear a further appeal
Nikki Kenward, who lived with the MND-like symptoms of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, writes: 'this is not civilization but barbarity... We need more legal restraints, not fewer.'
The issue of withdrawing food and fluids from brain damaged patients is complex and little understood - Care Not Killing was on hand to outline concerns with the Supreme Court's ruling on a busy media day
Care Not Killing responds to disappointing ruling that the Supreme Court wants to remove important safeguard from brain-damaged patients
The three judges who heard Noel Conway's Appeal in May 2018 referred to evidence and submissions put forward by Care Not Killing a number of times in their June judgment
'We do not consider that the approach or those conclusions of the Divisional Court can be faulted... [and so] we dismiss both the appeal and the respondent's notice'
'Care Not Killing welcomes the Court of Appeal's sensible decision to reject this latest attempt to legalise assisted suicide'
Between the Court of Appeal, impassioned legislative debate in Guernsey and a 104-year old travelling to Switzerland for assisted suicide, there's been much to comment on in May - and CNK's responses have been front and centre.
Press release concerning the Court of Appeal's latest consideration of assisted suicide this week in the case of Mr Noel Conway
Changing the law to allow assisted suicide is dangerous and unnecessary says Care Not Killing