Tag: Dementia

CNK Board member Nola Leach speaks on Radio 4 about her husband's death after three years living with 'brutal' Alzheimer's
Care Not Killing responds to dangerous new guidance that weakens safeguards for brain-damaged patients, including those with stroke and dementia
Bruce Forsyth's recent pronouncements on assisted suicide for dementia patients are seriously misguided
New research highlights significant diagnosis-based disparity in provision. 111,000 in the UK who would benefit have no access, but the vast majority who do receive care report good standards and - would-be MPs, take note - increasing access could save the NHS tens of millions.
The Commons Health Select Committee report on end of life care was welcomed - cautiously
A study published in the Journal of Medical Ethics suggests that a third of Dutch doctors would assist a patient's suicide in cases of mental illness or dementia, and a fifth would where there was 'tiredness of life' but no physical condition
'The committee needs to consider whether, as a society, we want to send out the message that some people's lives are not worth living because of the quality of life that they perceive themselves to have', CNK Scotland's Gordon Macdonald tells MSPs
A motion in support of the Falconer Bill has been rejected by AMs, whose constituents would be covered by the Bill
Peers urged to ditch dangerous assisted suicide bill, as new polling shows that one in ten Britons would favour rewarding older people for ending their lives.
Euthanasia deaths in the Netherlands continue their relentless rise, newly published official figures confirm
For nine years a member of a Dutch Regional Review Committee, Prof Theo Boer's experience of legalised euthanasia and assisted suicide saw him go from being a supporter of such legislation to concluding: 'we were wrong - terribly wrong, in fact'.
Public support for Falconer's 'Assisted Dying' Bill drops dramatically to just 43% when arguments against are heard
The CEOs of four major charities representing elderly and disabled people have written to all members of the House of Lords to oppose Lord Falconer's Assisted Dying Bill.
Assumptions about dementia could have major implications for proposed legislation to allow assisted suicide in the UK
Belgian Senate will vote on bill to extend euthanasia to children with disabilities on 26 November
Euthanasia deaths continue their relentless rise in the Netherlands
Chichester case should serve as a reminder of why assisted suicide is against the law
In this last week both Belgium and the Netherlands have taken further major steps regarding euthanasia for children.