Tag: Disability

Special rapporteurs argue that legislative provisions for assisted suicide and euthanasia ‘tend to rest on - or draw strength from - ableist assumptions about the inherent “quality of life” or “worth’ of the life of a person with a disability.’
Disability rights advocate Baroness Grey-Thompson, geriatrician Professor Des O'Neill and palliative care consultant Dr Sinéad Donnelly discuss euthanasia and assisted suicide.
The US National Council on Disability's report 'Assisted Suicide Laws and their Danger to People with Disabilities' 'finds that the dangers and harms that NCD identified in 1997 and 2005 are at least as significant today.'
Mark Blackwell, living with Parkinson's disease and the after-effects of a severe stroke, explains why he fears legalised assisted suicide
Disability activist describes 'the thing that solidified for me that we actually can't safely put in place in this country assisted suicide legislation', as Western Australia mulls euthanasia
Watch ordinary New Zealanders explain why a proposed assisted suicide law would pose a direct threat to them and countless people like them
Care Not Killing responds to dangerous new guidance that weakens safeguards for brain-damaged patients, including those with stroke and dementia
Nikki Kenward, who lived with the MND-like symptoms of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, writes: 'this is not civilization but barbarity... We need more legal restraints, not fewer.'
Guernsey's Policy and Resources Committee, the senior governmental body, and the Guernsey Disability Alliance have both stated their opposition to assisted suicide and euthanasia proposals ahead of a 16 May vote
A man from Inverness, living with MS, put off his plans to have an assisted suicide in Switzerland when he was made aware of support available
A change in the law to allow assisted suicide is dangerous and unnecessary
Disability rights activists have announced that, should it be given lead to proceed, they will intervene in a new bid for assisted suicide in the High Court
Assisted suicide advocates bring new attempt before the courts - a case built on legal ground already assessed and ruled on by the highest courts in the land
CNK Campaign Director Dr Peter Saunders writes to The Telegraph, highlighting the breadth and depth of opposition among disabled people to assisted suicide
Actress, comedienne and campaigner Liz Carr brings a new and dynamic consideration of assisted suicide to the Royal Festival Hall this September
Debbie Binner says 'Campaigners for assisted dying underestimate how terrible it is for those of us left behind... I didn't care what state he was or might be in, he was my husband'
CNK remembers a great advocate, campaigner and friend following his death from cancer on 14 January
Court permission for nutrition to be withdrawn from a woman with MS represents 'judicial mission creep with judges shaping and remaking the law.'